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How to Apply

Students should have a quantitative background (see Description) and some introduction to geophysics, though they need not be geophysics majors. SAGE particularly welcomes math/physics majors and other students considering careers in geophysics. By way of applications, SAGE requires a letter of interest, two references, and complete transcripts. See the application form and reference form below.

To print the forms, use the print option on your browser. Please make the browser window wide enough for the forms to appear correctly formated (an exact match is not necessary as long as the information is clearly displayed). If forms do not print out properly, please contact the IGPP office at (505) 663-5291 for hard copies.

The letter of interest, two references, complete transcripts, application form, and check or money order (we are not able to accept credit-card transactions) should be mailed to:

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA

The fee for SAGE is $450 payable to SAGE Code U96E. One hundred dollars ($100.00) is due with the applications form for ALL applicants. If the application is withdrawn after June 1st, this is non-refundable. If you are an U.S. 'undergraduate' qualifying for support under The National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, your $100 fee will be remitted upon arrival, and the remaining fee will be waived. See Special Undergrad Info for information on the REU program. The $100 fee will be returned if not accepted into SAGE.

 Los Alamos National Laboratory
Operated by the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
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Modified February 6, 2010