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SAGE 2006 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE                                                                       06/08/05

18 Sun Reu Students Arrive and Check in at the College of Santa Fe
19 Mon

10:00am     Introduction to SAGE (GRJ and WSB)

Lecture:      Applications of Geophysics to Geology Problems (SB)

PM               Lectures: Introduction to Gravity Electromagnetics, (EM); and
                   Seismics (SB, GRJ, LWB)

20 Tues

8:00-9:00am     Introduction to Seismic Methods  (LWB, JF)

9:30-5:00pm     Introductory Geologic Field Trip (WSB)

21 Wed

AM         Lectures: Introduction to Digital Acquisition and Filtering (GRJ)

PM         Introduction to Digital Acquisition and Filtering (GRJ)

             Non-REU students arrive and check in at College of Santa Fe

22 Thur

9:00-10:15am       SAGE Welcome, Intro., Safety, and History (TBA, GRJ, WSB, SB)

10:30-12:00pm     Introduction to Near Archeological Site - Bill Baxtor (Arch. Conser)

12:00-1:00pm       Lunch

1:00-5:00pm        Short Course: Seismic Basin Analysis - Bob Stewart (ExxonMobil) Evening                 Continuation of Short Course- Bob Stewart (ExxonMobil)

23 Fri

10:00 – 12:00AM       Geology and Tectonics of the Rio Grande Rift (WSB, JF)

 1:00 – 2:00 PM         Geology and Tectonics of the Rio Grande Rift (WSB, JF)

2:30 – 4:00 PM         Magnetics and Gravity (SB)

24 Sat

9:00 - 12:00 AM                Lectures:  Seismic Refraction (JF, LWB)

12:00 - 1:00 PM                Lunch

1:00   - 4:00 PM                Lectures: Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR and Induction                                                EM (GRJ);                                                       

25 Sun

One-Half Students Attend Lectures:

AM                                     Gravity (SB)

PM                                     Seismic Reflection (LWB)

One-Half Students do Field Work:

                                    Archeological Geophysics (Seismic, Magnetic, GPR, EM)

Evening Talk                 Greg Johnston (Sensors & Software) – GPR & Airborne EM


26 Mon

One-Half Students Attend Lectures:

AM                                     Gravity (SB)

PM                                     Seismic Reflection (LWB)

One-Half Students do Field Work:

                                     Archeological Geophysics (Seismic, Magnetic, GPR, EM)

Evening Talk                  Louise Pellerin (Green Eng.) – Near-Surface Geophys.


27 Tues


AM                                      Magnetotellurics, MT; Transient EM, TEM                                            (GRJ); OhmMapper, OM (LP)

PM                                     Experimental Design (LWB, Staff); GPS and Inversion (JF)

28 Wed

R & R         

29 Thu

Field Trip                                      Espanola Basin and Jemez Volcanic Field (WSB)
Evening Talk                                Kay Aiken (ExxonMobil) – Marine Seismics

30 Fri

Field Work                  Seismics, Gravity, Magnetics, GPS, MT, TEM, OM, Geology

Evening Talk               Matt Mikulich (Chevron, Retired) – Careers in Earth Science

1 Sat

Field Work                 Seismics, Gravity, Magnetics, GPS, MT, TEM, OM, Geology

Evening Talk                 Scott Urquhart (Zonge Res.)& Hans Rasmussenk                                                     (White Knight Res.) Mining Geophysics

2 Sun

Continue Field Work

Evening Talk                 Scott Baker (Chevron) – Petroleum Geophys.

3 Mon Continue Field Work
4 Tues

Continue Field Work

5 Wed

Field Trip to Western Rift Boundary - Abiquiu Area (WSB)

6 Thu R & R
7 Fri Data Analysis, Modeling, and Interpretation
8 Sat Data Analysis, Modeling, and Interpretation
9 Sun

Data Analysis, Modeling, and Interpretation

Evening Talk – Darcy McPhee (USGS) – Geophysical Research at USGS

10 Mon

Preparation of Oral and Written Reports

11 Tue Preparation of Oral and Written Reports
12 Wed Presentation of Oral Reports
13 Thu

Presentation of Oral Reports; Departure of NonREU Students

Written Reports Due from NonREU Students

14 Fri

Written Reports Due from REU Students

Departure of REU Students after 2:00pm


W. Scott Baldridge (WSB) - Los Alamos National Laboratory (Co-Director)

Shawn Biehler (SB) - University of California, Riverside           

Lawrence W. Braile (LWB) - Purdue University                  

John Ferguson (JF) - University of Texas, Dallas              

Bernard Gilpin (BG) - Golden West College

George R. Jiracek (GRJ) - San Diego State University (Co-Director)

Adjunct Faculty

Louise Pellerin (LP) - Green Engineering

Darcy   McPhee (DMP) - U.S. Geological Survey

Aviva Sussman – Los Alamos National Laboratory

Teaching Assistants

Derrick Hasterok - University of Utah

Matthew Ludwig – University of Wisconsin - Madison


Kay Aiken– ExxonMobil

Peter Annan – Sensors & Software

Marty Brandt – Chevron.

Matthew Mikulich – Chevron (Retired)

Hans Rasmussen – White Knight Resources

Bob Stewart – ExxonMobil

Scott Urquhart – Zonge Engineering and Research Organization





 Los Alamos National Laboratory
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US Department of Energy.
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modified: May 24, 2006