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SAGE 2009

Images, Participants, and Oral Reports


From M. Cording, SAGE 2009

NSF-REU Undergraduate Students

Boyle, Katie State U. of New York, Fredonia Analysis of seismic refraction data using the slope intercept method
Bradbury, Chris Univ. Utah Archaeological GPR survey of survey grids 17W2 & 17W3 of San Marcos Pueblo, New Mexico (Link coming.)
Cording, Margie Univ. Texas, Dallas Seismic refraction in the Santo Domingo Basin
Collins, Dylan San Diego State Univ. Seismic reflection in SD (…not San Diego) (Link coming.)
Desser, Elizabeth Univ. Arizona Refraction seismic profiling in the Santo Domingo basin: T2-X2 method for velocity analysis (Link coming.)
Feucht, Dan Univ. Cal., Berkeley Transient electromagnetic survey at Arroyo Alamos
Hirakawa, Evan San Diego State Univ.
Howard, Jesse Univ. Texas at Dallas Seismic reflection survey of Santo Domingo basin, SAGE 2009 (Link coming.)
Jenson, Kevin University of Utah Getting to the gravity of Arroyo Alamo: Near Chimayo, New Mexico
Kelly, Cynthia Rice University Northern Chimayo gravity survey
Litherland, Mairi Rice University Identifying archeological features using seismic refraction at San Marcos pueblo (Link coming.)
Nee, Philip Univ. Cal., Riverside Transient ElectroMagnetic sounding survey at Santo Domingo basin
Ryan, James Clemson University Audio-magnetotellurics: Faulting in the Alamo?
Scott, Chelsea Carleton College Gravity analysis of basement geometry of the Hagan basin
Storniolo, Rachael E. Appalachian State Univ. Magnetotellurics: Santo Domingo Pueblo, SAGE 2009 (Link coming.)
Stryker, Sarah State U. of New York, Fredonia Magnetic survey, San Marcos Pueblo site (Link coming.)


U. S. Graduate, Foreign, & Professional Participants

Bowles-Martinez, Esteban San Diego State Univ. Audio-magNEATOtellurics (Link coming.)
Deans, Jack Univ. Texas, Dallas Budagher's fault study area, Rio Grande rift
Gonzales-Verdejo, Oziel Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico GPR survey of blocks 15S2 and 17W4, San Marcos pueblo archaeological site, SAGE 2009
Islas, Ana C. Centro de Invest. Cientifica y Edu. Superior Ensenada Gravity analysis at the Budagher's fault (Link coming.)
Agius, Matthew Dublín Institute for Advanced Studies San Marcos archaeological site-seismic refraction (Link coming.)
Share, Pieter-Ewald Dublín Institute for Advanced Studies Analysis of seismic reflection data acquired across the Budagher's fault during SAGE 2009
Ferriz, Horacio Cal. State Univ., Stanislaus Resistivity and TEM surveying around a cold CO2-driven geyser, Rio Grande rift, Chimayo, New Mexico (w/ D. Feucht)

Teaching Assistants

Bowling, Tim Purdue University
Godfrey, Karen Boston University



Dr. Louise Pellerin (center right) from Green Engineering
instructs SAGE 2009 students (from left) Pieter Share, Matt Agius,
and Sarah Stryker on use of the Geonics EM-31 prior to survey of
the San Marcos archaeological site.

SAGE 2009 students Rachael Storniolo (left) and Ana Islas
pull the ground-penetrating radar across a plaza area
of the unexcavated San Marcos Pueblo. Greg Johnson of
Sensors & Software (far right) checks on the group.

Professor John Ferguson (University of Texas, Dallas) and
Mairi Litherland confer on shot locations during seismic
refraction survey of the San Marcos site.


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