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SAGE 2001

Students Attending SAGE 2001

NSF-REU Undergraduate Students
Abou-Ismail,Omar University of Utah Geophysical Exploration using Seismic Refraction to interpret geologic layers of the subsurface in the southeastern part of the Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
Bodzin, Raanan Univ. California, Santa Cruz Gravity Modeling Across the La Bajada Fault and Bonanza Creek Ranch
Burnside, Lynette Univ. California, Los Angeles Magnetotelluric Sounding Across the La Bajada Fault in the Canada de Santa Fe, Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico
Elkins, Lynne Smith College GEM-2 Analysis of the Archaeological Site LA-35001 (Q-12)
Fulton, Patrick Georgia Institute of Technology Characterization of the Surficial Aquifer beneath the Santa Fe River Canyon via TEM Inversion and Geological Analysis
Holmes, Kyland Hendrix University Understanding and Application of MT Polar Plots
Jones, Anthony Univ. South Carolina Deconvolution of Seismic Reflection Data from the Espanola Basin
Kore, Kelly University of Utah A Gravitational Interpretation of the Santa Fe Embayment, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
MacCarthey, Jonathan College of William and Mary Gravity and Magnetic Transect across the Santo Domingo and Espanola Basins, New Mexico
Nandi, Papia Univ. of Illinois Seismic Refraction Analysis Los Alamos Archaeological Site
Natek, Nancy Univ. New Mexico Estimates on Basment Depth: Magnetotelluric and Gravity Modeling across Bonanza Creek Ranch, New Mexico
Paquette, Anne University of Arizona Seismic Refraction
Renwald, Marie University of Arizona A Preliminary Model of the Santo Domingo Basin Using Seismic Refractionac
Reyes, Celso Northern Arizona University Sensitivity Analysis for Transient Eectromagnetic Inversion
Umbriaco, Jacob University of Utah Velocity Picking and CMP Stack Analysis: Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico SAGE 2001
Kwiatkowski, Amy (SAGE 2000) Cornell University 2-D and 3-D Models of the Subsurface Structures of the Southern Espanola basin
Hasterok, Derrick (SAGE 2000) Caltech Analysis of magnetotelluric sounding across the southern Espanola and Santo Domingo Basin transition, New Mexico
Graduate, Professional, and/or Foreign Students
Bevan, Michael University of Waterloo Seismic Refraction in the Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico – Observed and Predicted Refraction Events
Bunyapanasarn, Teddy San Diego State University ransient Electromagnetic Soundings in the Santa Fe River Canyon, New Mexico
Campos-Gaytan, Jose Ruben Centro Invest. Cientifica y Educ. Superior, Ensenada Transient electromagnetic sounding for hydrology
Ellis, Douglas Univ. California, Riverside Seismic Reflection Study of the Santo Domingo Basin New Mexico
Hansen, Samantha Univ. Wisconsin, Madison SAGE 2001, Ground Penetrating Radar Results from Los Alamos, Archaeological Site 35001, Q-12
Horgan, Huw Victoria University (Wellington, NZ)  
Jernesletten, Joern Rice University Magnetic Survey of Archaeological Site at Little Otowi Ridge, Pueblo Canyon, New Mexico, USA
Oueity, Jounada University of Texas, El Paso Gravity Analysis of the Santo Domingo, La Bajada Fault, and Bonanza Creek Ranch, New Mexico
Smith, Darren San Diego State University Seismic Reflection Profile, Canada Santa Fe, Santa Domingo Basin, NM
Yun, Janet Wesleyan University Late Cenzoic offset and seismic refraction modeling of the La Bajada fault zone, Southern Espanola Basin, New Mexico
Teaching Assistants
Robert Bielinski (SAGE 1997) Univ. California, Riverside
R. Michael Quesada (SAGE 1999) San Diego State University
Tienyou Chen  (SAGE 1999) University of Texas, Dallas
Steve Hoagland Los Alamos National Laboratory
John Isaacson Los Alamos National Laboratory
I. J. Won Geophex
Louise Pellerin (Adj. Scientist) University of Utah, Energy & Geoscience Inst.
A. Peter Annan (Adj. Scientist) Sensors & Software
Lisa McBee (SAGE 1997) ExxonMobil Exploration Company
John Young ExxonMobil Exploration Company
Robert P. Brown Chevron Petroleum Technology Company
Matt Mikulich  (Adj. Scientist) Chevron Petroleum Technology Co. (retired)
Norm Goldstein Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Scott Urquhart Zonge Engineering and Research Org., Inc.
John Clough Veritas DGC, Inc.
Allen Cogbill Los Alamos National Laboratory
Robert K. Mallan Electromagnetic Instruments, Inc.
Roger M. Turpening Dept. of Energy, Office of Science
Cecil Hoffpauir Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tien Grauch U. S. Geological Survey
Mary Templeton IRIS-PASSCAL, Socorro
Wesley Brown IRIS-PASSCAL, Socorro