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Students Attending SAGE 1997

NSF-REU Undergraduate Students



Alex, Carmen UC Santa Barbara
Desai, Bella Yale College
Dodge, Michele George Mason University
Etter, Jennifer San Diego State University
Gehman, Carter Colorado College
Granville, John Vanderbilt University
Heller, Paige Bates College
Kennedy, Tammi University of Texas at Austin
O'Boyle, Jennifer Humboldt State University
Podgorski, Joel UC Santa Cruz
Seyler, Cathy Millersville University
Singha, Kamini University of Connecticut
Terrell, Martin State University of NY at Fredonia

Graduate/Foreign Students



Adriansyan, Ancha University of Texas, Dallas
Bielinski, Robert University of Oregon University
Buckley, Chelsea Purdue University
Chavarria, Andres UNAM
Davidson, Xan Purdue University
Flescher, Chris San Diego State University
Ghent, Rebecca Southern Methodist University
Hoelzer, Charles San Diego State University
Marcinkovich, Carey UC Riverside
McBee, Lisa California State Univ., Long Beach
Ortega, Audrey University of Texas at Dallas
Poort, Jeffrey University of Brussels
Romero, Oscar M. CICESE
 Los Alamos National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the
US Department of Energy.
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modified: February 15, 2006