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Los Alamos National Laboratory    Consortium of Major LANL Contractors
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Consortium of Major LANL Subcontractors Members

Aramark Services
Austin Commercial Builders
The Austin Company
Burns & Roe Enterprises
BWX Technologies, Inc.
Clauss Construction
Compac Federal LLC
Eberline Services
Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
Holmes & Narver Raytheon
IBM Global Services
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
Jaynes Corporation
K.R. Swerdfeger Construction, Inc.
KSL Services
Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc.
Protection Technology Los Alamos
Shaw Group
Washington Group

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security
of the US Department of Energy.Copyright © 2003 UC | Disclaimer/Privacy

Questions/comments about site: Michelle Cantu
modified: May 4, 2004