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Consortium of Major LANL Subcontractors

The Consortium of Major Laboratory Subcontractors brings together Laboratory subcontractors who have provided economic development proposals as part of their contracts with the Laboratory. The consortium provides a venue for integrated planning and resource-management activities that will promote and leverage regional economic development and will increase small-business procurement opportunities with smaller Laboratory subcontractors.


This Charter establishes a Consortium of Major Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Subcontractors (“Consortium”) that have provided LANL with economic development proposals as part of their negotiated subcontract to perform technical work at Los Alamos. The responsibilities of the Consortium include resource management and integrated planning in connection with promoting and leveraging regional economic development and increased small business procurement opportunities with lower tier subcontractors.


The Consortium will:

  • Serve as a “brainstorming” body that will drive results to strengthen the economy of Northern New Mexico.
  • Establish a meaningful company presence in the regional community.
  • Promote and leverage collective economic development efforts in order to optimize and/or maximize a strong economic impact in the region.
  • Increase small business subcontracting opportunities with Northern New Mexico businesses.
  • Leverage capabilities to assist with building a strong Northern New Mexico small business base that is capable of supporting LANL and Major Subcontractor mission and program requirements. This will include building strategic relationships with other organizations dedicated to supplier and business development.
  • Identify and leverage potential outsourcing opportunities for member companies with the Northern New Mexico subcontractor base.
  • Leverage regional educational enhancements
  • Promote employment opportunities with Northern New Mexico residents.
  • Work with the Regional Development Corporation to perform business analysis regarding economic ventures for the region.
  • Develop a collegial scorecard on contributions to the economic development of Northern New Mexico.


The Consortium Chair will be Associate Director for Administration Richard Marquez. The principal LANL stakeholders in the Consortium are the Supply Chain Management Division Leader, Procurement Manager, Small Business Manager, Community and External Relations Division Leader, and the Community Relations Office Leader.

The Regional Development Corporation (RDC) is the DOE funded Community Re-use Organization (CRO) for the Los Alamos Site. As contracted by LANL, the RDC will participate in the Consortium and provide advice and counsel (e.g. business analysis) regarding planned or potential ventures that will optimize and/or maximize an economic impact in Northern New Mexico. The RDC, acting as the clearinghouse for economic development activities in Northern New Mexico, will facilitate the matching of LANL subcontractor resources and capabilities with the identified needs for economic development and diversification of Northern New Mexico. RDC’s efforts in the consortium will be a mechanism to ensure that the subcontractor economic development efforts complement and leverage existing resources and efforts, rather than duplicate them.

Further membership is open to any LANL subcontractor that is required to submit an economic development plan under its contract with the University of California to perform work at LANL.

Companies currently eligible to participate include:

  • Aramark Services
  • Austin Commercial Contractors
  • Burns & Roe
  • BWX Technologies, Inc.
  • Clauss Construction
  • Compac Federal
  • DMJM Holmes and Narver
  • Eberline Services
  • Hensel Phelps Construction Company
  • IBM Global Services, Federal
  • Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
  • Jaynes Corporation
  • K.R. Swerdfeger Construction, Inc.
  • KSL Services, Inc.
  • Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc.
  • Protection Technology Los Alamos
  • Shaw Group
  • The Austin Company
  • Washington/PMC
  • Westinghouse Safety Management Solutions LLC

Membership Guidelines

Member subcontractors may be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that details the working relationships of Consortium members.
The Consortium will meet at least quarterly.

ApprovalsAssociate Director for Administration Original signed by R. Marquez________
Richard A. Marquez

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Questions/comments about site: Michelle Cantu
modified: May 6, 2004