Matthew Nelson
(505) 665-3842
What is QUIC?
The Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) Dispersion Modeling System is a fast response urban dispersion model that runs on a laptop. QUIC is comprised of a 3D wind field model called QUIC-URB, a transport and dispersion model called QUIC-PLUME, a pressure solver, QUIC-PRESSURE, and graphical user interface called QUIC-GUI. Chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) agent dispersion can be computed on building to neighborhood scales in tens of seconds to tens of minutes. QUIC will never give perfect answers, but it will account for the effects of buildings in an approximate way and provide more realism than non-building aware dispersion models.
QUIC Capabilities
- Radiological dispersal devices (RDD's) with buoyant rise
- Dense gas chemical agent dispersion with topographical effects and two-phase droplet thermodynamics
- Evaporating liquid pool with 2D shallow water pool spread algorithm
- Multi-particle size biological agent dispersion
- Bio slurry (evaporating droplet) dispersion
- 2-phase (droplet/vapor mixture) dispersion with secondary evaporation from surfaces
- UV decay
- Inhalation model to estimate the amount of agent deposited in various regions of the respiratory tract
- Toxic load
- Line, area, volume, and moving point sources
- Building infiltration and exfiltration
- Deposition on building surfaces
- Nested grids
- Meteorological data assimilation
- Vegetative canopies
- Pressure distribution on buildings
- 2D and 3D graphics visualization
- Affected population calculator with an included CONUS population database
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