Plutonium Futures —The Science 2003

Preliminary Program


Monday July 7, 2003 

Session  One  Condensed Matter Physics

8:00 AM

Opening Remarks, G. Pete Nanos, Sigfreid S. Hecker, Gordon D. Jarvinen

8:30 AM

Recent Highlights in Actinide Research at ITU, R. Schenkel and G. H. Lander (European Commission, JRC, Institute of Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany)

8:55 AM

Complete Phonon Dispersion Curves Determination in fcc Delta Pu-Ga
Alloy, Joe Wong (LLNL), M. Krisch (ESRF, Grenoble), D. Farber (LLNL), F. Occelli (LLNL), A. J. Schwartz (LLNL), M.Wall (LLNL), R. Xu (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana, UIU) and T.-C. Chiang (UIU)

9:20 AM

Local structure in plutonium alloys stabilized in δ-phase, B.Ravat, L. Jolly, C. Valot and N. Baclet (CEA, Is sur Tille, France)

9:45 AM

Plutonium-238 metal as a multiphase system, S. I. Gorbunov (FSUE "SSC RF RIAR," Russia)

10:10 AM


10:25 AM

Investigating the δ/α' Martensitic Phase Transformation in Pu-Ga Alloys, Kerri Blobaum, Jeff Haslam, April Brough, Mark Wall, and Adam Schwartz (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Brigham Young University)

10:50 AM

Plutonium-Based Superconductivity:  The Audacity of the 5f Electrons? J. L. Sarrao, L. A. Morales, J. D. Thompson, B. L. Scott, G. R. Stewart, F. Wastin, J. Rebizan, P. Boulet, E. Colineau and G. H. Lander (Los Alamos National LaboratoryUniversity of Florida, European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany)

11:15 AM

Phonon dispersion in Actinides measured with Inelastic X-ray Scattering: New opportunities to solve some old problems, M. E. Manley, G. H. Lander, H. Sinn, A. Alatas, W. L. Hults. R. J. McQueeney, J. C. Lashley, J. L. Smith and J. Willit (Los Alamos National Laboratory; European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany; and Argonne National Laboratory)

11:50 AM

A New Paradigm for the Determination of the 5f Electronic Structure of Pu and the Actinides, James G. Tobin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

12:15 AM




Session Two — Actinide Compounds and Complexes

2:15 PM

Insight into the Coordination Chemistry of Plutonium Compounds:  Synthesis and Structural Characteristics of Pu(III) oxalate and Pu(VI) hydrous oxides, Wolfgang Runde, Amanda Bean, and Brian L. Scott (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

2:45 PM

A Study of Colloid Generation and Disproportionation of Pu(IV) in Aquatic Solution by LIBD and LPAS, C. Bitea, C. Walther, J.I. Yun, Ch. Marquardt, A. Seibert, V. Neck, Th. Fanghänel, and J.I.Kim (Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany)

3:15 PM

Investigation of Pu(IV) Complexation by TcO4- Anion in perchloric media, Ph. Moisy, L. Abiad, C. Madic, and P. Turq (CEA Valrhô, France and Université P & M Curie Paris, France)

3:45 PM


4:00 PM

Investigation of Uranium in bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide based Ionic Liquids, David A.Costa, Warren J. Oldham, Rene Chavarria, and Brad Schake (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

4:30 PM

Thermochemistry of Transuranium Actinide Oxide Molecules Investigated by FTICR-MS, John K. Gibson , Richard G. Haire, Marta Santos, Joaquim Marçalo, and António Pires de Matos (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Portugal)

5:00 PM




7:00 PM

Panel Discussion



Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Session Three — The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

8:00 AM

Plutonium, Politics and Policy: A New "Atoms for Peace", Victor H. Reis (SAIC)

8:30 AM

Bicyclic and Acyclic Diamides: Comparison of Their Aqueous Phase Binding Constants with Tetra- and Hexavalent Actinides, Sergei I. Sinkov, Brian M. Rapko, Gregg J. Lumetta, James E. Hutchison and Bevin W. Parks (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Oregon)

9:00 AM

The interactions of iron and plutonium ions in nitric acid/ tri-butyl phosphate systems and process flowsheets, Robin J. Taylor, David A. Woodhead, Caroline Biourge, Chris Mason, O. Danny Fox, Bill Carr, and Steve D. Cope (BNFL, United Kingdom)

9:30 AM

Development of Reprocessing Process by Plutonium Co-Crystallization, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Tomozo Koyama, and Shunji Homma (Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Saitama University, Japan)

10:00 AM


10:15 AM

Investigation of Plutonium in Uranium Products During Spect Fuel Treatment, B.R. Westphal, D. Vaden, L.W. Scott, S.R. Sherman, T.Q. Hua, and J.R. Krsul (Argonne National Laboratory)

10:45 AM

Application of Fibrous “Filled” Sorbent Polyorgs for Concentration of Plutonium and other Radionuclides from Solutions, I. G. Tananaev, G.V. Myasoedova, and B.F. Myasoedov (Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

11:15 AM

The Separation of Americium and Plutonium Achieved by Facilitated Transport through Fixed Site Carrier Membranes Utilizing CMPO Ligands, Scott Sportsman, Elizabeth Bluhm, and Kent Abney (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

11:45 AM




Session Four — The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (cont)

1:30 PM

Advances in code validation for MOX-use in LWR's through benchmark experiments in the VENUS critical facility, Pierre D'hondt (SCK/CEN, Belgium)

2:00 PM

Overview of Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Efforts at Los Alamos for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, Robert W. Margevicius (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

2:30 PM

Survey of BELGONUCLEAIRE Experience in the Field of MOX Fuel Fabrication and Irradiation,and Application to New Fuel Developments, M. Lippens, A. Vandergheynst, and D. Boulanger (Belgonucleaire, Dessel)

3:00 PM


3:15 PM

Plutonium and Minor Actinide Fuels - the Good, the Bad, and the Future? Kenneth Chidester and Wolfgang Stoll (Los Alamos National Laboratory and Consultant, Hanau, Germany)

3:45 PM

Self-Radiation Effects in Plutonium-Bearing Glasses, W. J. Weber, J. P. Icenhower, and N. J. Hess (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

4:15 PM

Solubility Of Plutonium and Surrogates in Nuclear Glass Matrices, X. Deschanels, C. Lopez, C. Denauwer, and J. M. Bart (CEA / VALRHO / MARCOULE)

4:45 PM

Plutonium Partitioning in Zirconolite and Pyrochlore Containing Multiphase Ceramics, S.V. Stefanovsky, A.G. Ptashkin, S.V. Yudintsev, Y.M. Kulyako, and S.A. Perevalov (SIA Radon, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russia)

5:15 PM




6:30 PM

Los Amigos Social Event



Wednesday July 9, 2003

Session Five — Materials Science and Plutonium Properties

8:00 AM

An Overview of Plutonium Aging, Joseph C. Martz, Luis A. Morales, Kathleen B. Alexander (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

8:30 AM

Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy of Pu Alloys, Adam J. Schwartz, Mark A. Wall, Wilhelm G. Wolfer, and Kevin T. Moore (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

8:55 AM

On the problem of δ-phase metastability in Pu-Ga and Pu-Al systems, Victor V. Inozemtsev (A.A.Bochvar Institute of Inorganic Materials, VNIINM, Russia)

9:20 AM

Pu has no future: a real-time measurement of Pu aging, A. Migliori, D. A. Miller, J.C. Lashley, F. Freibert,  J.B. Betts, and M Ramos (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

9:45 AM

Self-irradiation effects in PuGa alloys as revealed by positron annihilation spectroscopy, Benoît Oudot, Nathalie Baclet, Lionel Jolly, Brice Ravat, Carole Valot, Pascale Julia, and Manuel Grivet (CEA-Centre de Valduc IS-SUR-TILLE - FRANCE and Laboratoire de Microanalyses Nucléaires, Université de Franche-Comté)

10:10 AM


10:25 AM

Phase Transformations in Delta Stabilised Plutonium, Steven Kitching, Patrick G Planterose and David C Gill (AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, United Kingdom)

10:50 AM

Invar effect, thermal expansion and elastic softening of d-phase Pu, A. C. Lawson, J. A. Roberts, B. Martinez, R. McQueeney (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

11:15 AM

Investigations of Protactinium Metal under Pressure Provide Important Insights into Actinide Bonding Concepts. R. G. Haire, S. Heathman, M.Idiri, T. Le Bihan, A. Lindbaum, and J. Rebizant (Oak Ridge National Laboratory: European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble Cedex, France; and Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Solid State Physics, Austria)

11:40 AM

Effects of Local Solute Ordering and Plasticity on the Delta to Alpha
Transformation in Gallium-Stabilized Plutonium Alloys, B. Sadigh, C.R. Krenn, A.J. Schwartz and W.G. Wolfer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

12:05 PM

Change in the isothermal kinetics of the α to β transition of unalloyed plutonium after different lengths of time of self-irradiation of samples, A.M.Lyasota, A.V. Troshev, S.I. Abramenko, V.N. Kordyukov, Yu. N. Zuyev, B.V. Litvinov, and E. P. Magda (Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Applied Physics)

12:30 PM




Session Six — Poster Session

1:30 PM

Poster Session Start

5:00 PM

Poster Session Adjourn



6:30 PM




Thursday July 10, 2003

Session Seven — Actinides in the Environment and Life Sciences

8:00 AM

Medical Implications of Plutonium, Helen Caldicott (Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Australia)

8:30 AM

Actinides in the Environment, Teresa Fryberger (U.S. Department of Energy)

9:00 AM

Aquatic colloids of actinides: How are they generated under natural aquifer conditions? M.A. Kim, P. J. Panak, J.I. Yun, and J.I. Kim (Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany; and Institut für Radiochemie, Technische Universität München, Germany)

9:30 AM

Phytosiderophore effects on Subsurface Actinide Contaminants:  Potential for Phytostabilization and Phytoextraction, Christy Ruggiero, Scott Twary, and Elise Deladurantaye (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

10:00 AM


10:15 AM

Biosorption of U(VI) and Pu(VI) by Bacillus Subtilis and a mixture of B. subtilis with clay mineral, T. Ohnuki, M. Samadfam, T. Yoshida, T. Ozaki, Z. Yoshida and A. J. Francis (Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Japan and Brookhaven National Laboratory

10:45 AM

Plutonium isotope remobilisation from natural sediments (Gulf of Lions, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) : Estimation based on flume experiments, Bruno Lansard, Sabine Charmasson, Frédérique Eyrolle, Mireille Arnaud, and Christian Grenz (Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée / CNRS, rue de la batterie des lions, Marseille, France)

11:15 AM

Plutonium Colloid-Facilitated Transport in the Environment - Experimental and Transport Modeling Evidence for Plutonium Migration Mechanisms, M. Zavarin, R. M. Maxwell, A. B. Kersting, P. Zhao, E. R. Sylwester, P. G. Allen, and R. W. Williams (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

11:45 AM




Session Eight — Detection and Analysis

1:30 PM

The Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Actinide Analysis, T. J. Piper and C. D. Puxley (Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, United Kingdom)

2:00 PM

Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Applied to the Study of Plutonium Alloy Aging, Pascale Julia (CEA - Centre de Valduc, Is-sur-Tille, France)

2:30 PM

Low-Level Detection and Quantification of Plutonium(III, IV, V, and VI) Using a Liquid Core Waveguide, Richard E. Wilson, Yung-Jin Hu, and Heino Nitsche (University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

3:00 PM


3:15 PM

Structural investigations of plutonium zirconia-based materials using the Rietveld method with X-ray diffraction, R. C. Belin , P.E Raison, and R.G. Haire (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique,CEA-Cadarache; European Commission Joint Research Center - Institute for Energy, The Netherlands; and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

3:45 PM

Facilitation of Trace Elemental Determination in Plutonium Oxide By Inductively Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Jeffrey Giglio, Daniel Cummings and John Krsul (Argonne National Laboratory -West)

4:15 PM

Conference Closing and Summary, Gordon D. Jarvinen

4:45 PM

Conference Adjourns