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SAGE 1999

Students Attending SAGE 1999

NSF-REU Undergraduate Students

Cole, Brant Millsaps College
Giacoma, Jamie University of Utah
Gratwick, Doug Colorado State University
Hutko, Alexander Georgia Institute of Technology
Pearson, Loren Boise State University
Pitiss, Sharon State University of New York, Fredonia
Quesada, Richard University of California, Riverside
Richards, Trevor University of Texas, Dallas
Roberts, Kyle Case Western Reserve University
Schaper, David University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Valentine, Kenneth University of Massachusetts
Young, Gregory Western Michigan University


Graduate/Foreign Students

Name Institution
Arroyo-Acosta, Adriana Centro Invest. Cientifica y Educ. Superior, Ensenada
Chen, Tianyou University of Texas, Dallas
Daly, Eve University of Ireland
Ely, Geoffrey San Diego State University
Ianev, Roman University of Toledo
Intaraprasong, Trin The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), LANL
Johnson, Kaj Purdue University
L'homelet, Julie University of California, Riverside
Lipfert, Gail University of Southern Maine
Martin, Michael University of California, Riverside
Weearatne, Dayanthe University of Oregon




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