I.1.7 Dump_CGNS_Multi_Mesh Procedure

The main documentation of the Dump_CGNS_Multi_Mesh Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

    subroutine Dump_CGNS_Multi_Mesh (Mesh, Filename, status)
      ! Input variables.
      type(Multi_Mesh_type), intent(in) :: Mesh       ! Mesh to be output.
      type(character,*), intent(in) :: Filename       ! Output filename.
      ! Output variable.
      type(Status_type), optional :: status           ! Consolidated Status.
      ! Internal variables.
      type(integer) :: CGNS_Base_Index                ! CGNS base index number.
      type(integer) :: CGNS_File_Index                ! CGNS file index number.
      type(integer) :: CGNS_Zone_Index                ! CGNS zone index number.
      type(integer) :: CGNS_Status                    ! CGNS status.
      type(Status_type) :: consolidated_status        ! Consolidated Status.
      type(character,10), dimension(3) :: Coordinate_Name ! Coordinate names.
      type(Status_type), dimension(13) :: dump_status ! Status vector.
      type(integer) :: Element_Type                   ! Element type number.
      type(integer) :: Section_Number                 ! Section number.
      ! Included CGNS setup file.
      include (../../../external/CGNSLib/cgnslib_f.h)

      ! Verify requirements.
      VERIFY(Valid_State(Mesh),5)      ! Mesh is valid.
      ! Allocations and initializations.
      call Initialize (dump_status)
      call Initialize (consolidated_status)
      ! Open CGNS file for writing, get CGNS_File_Index.
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        call CG_Open_f (Filename, MODE_WRITE, CGNS_File_Index, CGNS_Status)
      end if
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(1) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! Write CGNS Base information (dimensionality info), get CGNS_Base_Index.
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        call CG_Base_Write_f (CGNS_File_Index, 'Caesar Base', &
                              Mesh%NDimensions, Mesh%NDimensions, &
                              CGNS_Base_Index, CGNS_Status)
      end if
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(2) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! ### Add if-check on "structured" here eventually.
      ! Write CGNS Zone information (mesh dimension info), get CGNS_Zone_Index.
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        call CG_Zone_Write_f (CGNS_File_Index, CGNS_Base_Index, Name_Name, &
                              (/ Mesh%NNodes_total, Mesh%NCells_total, 0 /), &
                              Unstructured, CGNS_Zone_Index, CGNS_Status)
      end if
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(3) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! Define Coordinate Names.
      if (Mesh%Geometry == 'Cartesian') then
        Coordinate_Name(1) = 'CoordinateX'
        Coordinate_Name(2) = 'CoordinateY'
        Coordinate_Name(3) = 'CoordinateZ'
      else if (Mesh%Geometry == 'Cylindrical') then
        Coordinate_Name(1) = 'CoordinateR'
        Coordinate_Name(2) = 'CoordinateZ'
      else if (Mesh%Geometry == 'Spherical') then
        Coordinate_Name(1) = 'CoordinateR'
      end if
      ! Define DataType parameter.
      ! Write CGNS Zone coordinates (node coordinates),
      ! after assembling on the IO PE.
      call Initialize (Coordinates_Nodes_AV, Mesh%Node_Structure, &
                       2, 'Coordinates of Nodes', dump_status(4), &
      call Initialize (Coordinates_Nodes_BNV, Mesh%NDimensions, &
                       Mesh%NNodes_total, dump_status(5))
      Coordinates_Nodes_AV = Mesh%Coordinates_Nodes_DV
      Coordinates_Nodes_BNV = Coordinates_Nodes_AV
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        do dim = 1, Mesh%NDimensions
          call CG_Coord_Write_f (CGNS_File_Index, CGNS_Base_Index, &
                                 CGNS_Zone_Index, CGNS_DataType, &
                                 Coordinate_Name(dim), &
                                 Coordinates_Nodes_BNV(dim,:), &
                                 dim, CGNS_Status)
        end do
      end if
      call Finalize (Coordinates_Nodes_BNV, dump_status(6))
      call Finalize (Coordinates_Nodes_AV, dump_status(7))
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(8) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! Write CGNS Elements Connectivity (mesh connectivity),  
      ! after assembling on the IO PE.
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        Index_Size = Mesh%NCells_total
        Index_Size = 0
      end if
      call Initialize (Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_PE, Mesh%NCells_PE, &
                       Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell, dump_status(9))
      call Initialize (Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total, Index_Size, &
                       Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell, dump_status(10))
      Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_PE = Mesh%Nodes_of_Cells_Index
      do node = 1, Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell
        call Assemble (Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(:,node), &
      end do
      call Initialize (CGNS_Elements, Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell, Index_Size, &
      do cell = 1, Mesh%NCells
        select case (Mesh%Shape)  ! Select on Mesh%Shape.
        case ('Segmented')
          Element_Type = BAR_2
          CGNS_Elements(:,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,:)
        case ('Triangular')
          Element_Type = TRI_3
          ! Note: it is unclear what order the nodes are in for triangles
          ! in CGNS format. It is assumed that the order is counterclockwise.
          CGNS_Elements(:,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,:)
        case ('Quadrilateral')
          Element_Type = QUAD_4
          ! Note: it is unclear what order the nodes are in for quadrilaterals
          ! in CGNS format. It is assumed that the order is counterclockwise.
          CGNS_Elements(1,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,1)
          CGNS_Elements(2,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,2)
          CGNS_Elements(3,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,4)
          CGNS_Elements(4,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,3)
        case ('Polygonal')
          VERIFY(.false.,0)   ! Not implemented yet.  
        case ('Tetrahedral')
          Element_Type = TETRA_4
          CGNS_Elements(:,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,:)
        case ('Hexahedral')
          Element_Type = HEXA_8
          CGNS_Elements(1,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,1)
          CGNS_Elements(2,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,2)
          CGNS_Elements(3,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,4)
          CGNS_Elements(4,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,3)
          CGNS_Elements(5,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,5)
          CGNS_Elements(6,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,6)
          CGNS_Elements(7,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,8)
          CGNS_Elements(8,cell) = Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_Total(cell,7)
        case ('Polyhedral')
          VERIFY(.false.,0)   ! Not implemented yet.  
        end select
      end do
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        call CG_Section_Write_f (CGNS_File_Index, CGNS_Base_Index, &
                                 CGNS_Zone_Index, 'VolumeElements', &
                                 Element_Type, 1, Mesh%NCells, 0, &
                                 CGNS_Elements, S, CGNS_Status) 
      end if
      call Finalize (Nodes_of_Cells_Index_Val_PE, dump_status(12))
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(12) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! Close CGNS file.
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        call CG_Close_f (CGNS_File_Index, CGNS_Status)
      end if
      if (CGNS_Status == ERROR) dump_status(13) = 'CGNS Error'
      ! Consolidate and handle status.
      consolidated_status = dump_status
      if (PRESENT(status)) then
        WARN_IF(Error(consolidated_status), 5)
        status = consolidated_status
        VERIFY(Normal(consolidated_status), 5)
      end if
      call Finalize (consolidated_status)
      call Finalize (dump_status)
      ! Verify guarantees - none.
    end subroutine Dump_CGNS_Multi_Mesh

Michael L. Hall