G.2.11 Read_Harwell_Boeing_ELL_Matrix Procedure

The main documentation of the Read_Harwell_Boeing_ELL_Matrix Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Read_Harwell_Boeing_ELL_Matrix (ELLM, RHS_MV, Solution_MV, &
                                             Guess_MV, Row_Structure, &
                                             Column_Structure, Unit, status)

    ! Input variables.

    type(integer), intent(in), optional :: Unit       ! Input unit.

    ! Output variables.

    ! ELL_Matrix to be initialized.
    type(ELL_Matrix_type), intent(out) :: ELLM
    type(Status_type), intent(out), optional :: status  ! Exit status.
    ! Row and Column Base_Structures.
    type(Base_Structure_type), intent(inout), target :: Row_Structure, &
    ! RHS mathematic vector (RHSVAL).
    type(Mathematic_Vector_type), optional :: RHS_MV   
    ! Guess mathematic vector (SGUESS).
    type(Mathematic_Vector_type), optional :: Guess_MV  
    ! Solution mathematic vector (XEXACT).
    type(Mathematic_Vector_type), optional :: Solution_MV 

    ! Internal variables.

    type(integer) :: A_Unit                             ! Actual output unit.
    type(Status_type), dimension(33) :: allocate_status ! Allocation Status.
    type(Status_type) :: consolidated_status            ! Consolidated Status.
    type(integer) :: Max_Nonzeros     ! Maximum number of nonzero elements/row.
    type(integer) :: Max_Nonzeros_PE  ! Maximum number of nonzero elements/row,
                                      !   set to zero on non-IO PEs.

    ! Line 1:
    type(character,name_length) :: Name        ! Matrix name (TITLE).
    type(character,8)  :: Key                  ! Key for matrix (KEY).

    ! Line 2: Number of lines in the file, for...
    type(integer) :: NTotal_Lines              ! Total, not including  
                                               !   header (TOTCRD).
    type(integer) :: NEntries_of_Columns_Lines ! Entries of Columns 
                                               !   (PTRCRD).
    type(integer) :: NRows_of_Entries_Lines    ! Rows of Entries (INDCRD).
    type(integer) :: NValues_Lines             ! Numerical values (VALCRD).
    type(integer) :: NRHS_Lines                ! Right-hand sides,  
                                               !   including starting 
                                               !   guesses and solution 
                                               !   vectors (RHSCRD).
    ! Line 3:
    type(character,3)  :: Matrix_Type          ! Matrix type (MXTYPE).
    type(integer) :: NRows                     ! Number of rows (NROW).
    type(integer) :: NColumns                  ! Number of Columns (NCOL).
    type(integer) :: NEntries                  ! Number of nonzero entries in 
                                               !   the matrix (NNZERO).
    type(integer) :: NElemental_Matrices       ! Number of elemental matrices 
                                               !   (NELTVL).

    ! Line 4: Format strings for...
    type(character,16) :: Entries_of_Columns_Format ! Entries of Columns 
                                                    !   (PTRFMT).
    type(character,16) :: Rows_of_Entries_Format    ! Rows of Entries (INDFMT).
    type(character,20) :: Values_Format             ! Values (VALFMT).
    type(character,20) :: RHS_Format                ! RHS values (RHSFMT).

    ! Line 5:
    type(character,3)  :: RHS_Type             ! RHS type (RHSTYP).
    type(integer) :: NRHS                      ! Number of RHS vectors, not 
                                               !   including solution or guess 
                                               !   vectors (NRHS).
    type(integer) :: NRHS_Nonzero_Rows         ! Number of RHS nonzero rows 
                                               !   (NRHSIX).

    ! Data:
    type(integer,1) :: Entries_of_Columns      ! Entry numbers of each column 
                                               !   (POINTR).
    type(integer,1) :: Rows_of_Entries         ! Row numbers of each Entry 
                                               !   (ROWIND).
    type(real,1) :: Values_CSC                 ! Numerical values for the 
                                               !   Compressed Sparse Column 
                                               !   (CSC) matrix (VALUES).
    type(real,2) :: Values                     ! Numerical values for the 
                                               !   ELL matrix (VALUES).
    type(integer,2) :: Columns                 ! Column indices for the 
                                               !   ELL matrix ().
    type(real,2) :: Values_PE                  ! Numerical values for the 
                                               !   ELL matrix on this PE 
                                               !   (VALUES).
    type(integer,2) :: Columns_PE              ! Column indices for the 
                                               !   ELL matrix on this PE 
                                               !   ().
    type(real,1) :: RHS_Values_PE              ! RHS vector for each PE 
                                               !   (RHSVAL).
    type(real,1) :: Solution_PE                ! Solution vector for each PE 
                                               !   (XEXACT).
    type(real,1) :: Guess_PE                   ! Initial guess vector for each 
                                               !   PE (SGUESS).
    ! Temporary structures for input.
    type(real,1) :: Temporary_BNV
    type(Assembled_Vector_type) :: Temporary_AV
    type(Distributed_Vector_type) :: Temporary_DV

    ! Other internal variables.
    type(integer,1) :: Row_Length_Vector       ! Row lengths on all the PEs.
    type(integer,1) :: Column_Length_Vector    ! Column lengths on all the PEs.
    type(character,name_length) :: Locus_Name  ! Structure locus name.
    type(integer) :: column, column_PE, entry, row ! Loop parameters.
    type(integer,1) :: ELL_Column              ! Current ELL column number.
    type(integer,1) :: Nonzeros_per_Row        ! Number of nonzero entries 
                                               !   per row.

    ! Verify requirements.

    ! ELLM, Row_Structure, Column_Structure have not been initialized.

    ! Set unit number.
    if (PRESENT(Unit)) then
      A_Unit = Unit
      A_Unit = 5
    end if

    ! Allocations and initializations.

    call Initialize (allocate_status)
    call Initialize (consolidated_status)
    ! Read in the header block.
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      Name = ' '
      read (A_Unit,100) Name(1:72), Key
      read (A_Unit,101) NTotal_Lines, NEntries_of_Columns_Lines, &
                        NRows_of_Entries_Lines, NValues_Lines, NRHS_Lines
      read (A_Unit,102) Matrix_Type, NRows, NColumns, NEntries, &
      read (A_Unit,103) Entries_of_Columns_Format, Rows_of_Entries_Format,&
                        Values_Format, RHS_Format
      if (NRHS_Lines > 0) then 
        read (A_Unit,104) RHS_Type, NRHS, NRHS_Nonzero_Rows
        RHS_Type = 'F  '
        NRHS = 0
        NRHS_Nonzero_Rows = 0
      end if
    end if

    ! Format statements.
    100 format (a72, a8)
    101 format (5i14)
    102 format (a3, 11x, 4i14)
    103 format (2a16, 2a20)
    104 format ( a3, 11x, 2i14 )

    ! Broadcast needed information (could put this into a 
    ! smaller number of broadcasts (by type) later).

    call Broadcast (Matrix_Type)
    call Broadcast (NColumns)
    call Broadcast (NElemental_Matrices)
    call Broadcast (NEntries)
    call Broadcast (NRHS)
    call Broadcast (NRHS_Lines)
    call Broadcast (NRows)
    call Broadcast (NValues_Lines)
    call Broadcast (RHS_Type)
    ! Input checks.
    ! Can only read real, unsymmetric, assembled matrices.
    VERIFY(Matrix_Type=='RUA' .or. Matrix_Type=='rua',2)
    ! Can only read assembled matrices (warn on this only because
    ! often-used SPARSKIT routines do this incorrectly).
    ! Can read at most one right-hand-side vector.
    ! Cannot read sparse-storage RHS vectors.
    VERIFY(.not.(NRHS_Lines>0 .and. RHS_Type(1:1)/='F'),2)
    ! Gots to be a matrix.

    ! Set Row and Column Structures (divide evenly among the PEs).
    call Initialize (Row_Length_Vector, NPEs)
    call Generate_Even_Distribution (Row_Length_Vector, NRows)
    Locus_Name = 'Rows'
    call Initialize (Row_Structure, Row_Length_Vector, Locus_Name, &

    call Initialize (Column_Length_Vector, NPEs)
    call Generate_Even_Distribution (Column_Length_Vector, NColumns)
    Locus_Name = 'Columns'
    call Initialize (Column_Structure, Column_Length_Vector, Locus_Name, &

    ! Read in matrix structure.
    call Initialize (Entries_of_Columns, NColumns+1, allocate_status(3))
    call Initialize (Rows_of_Entries, NEntries, allocate_status(4))
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      read (A_Unit,Entries_of_Columns_Format) Entries_of_Columns
      read (A_Unit,Rows_of_Entries_Format) Rows_of_Entries
    end if

    ! Determine Max_Nonzeros.

    call Initialize (Nonzeros_per_Row, NRows, allocate_status(5))
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      do entry = 1, NEntries
        Nonzeros_per_Row(Rows_of_Entries(entry)) = &
          Nonzeros_per_Row(Rows_of_Entries(entry)) + 1
      end do
      Max_Nonzeros = MAXVAL(Nonzeros_per_Row)
    end if
    call Broadcast (Max_Nonzeros)
    call Finalize (Nonzeros_per_Row, allocate_status(6))

    ! Initialize temporary BNA ELL structure - on non-IO PEs, this is a 
    !                                          dummy, unused structure.

    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      Max_Nonzeros_PE = Max_Nonzeros
      Max_Nonzeros_PE = 1
    end if
    call Initialize (Values,  NRows, Max_Nonzeros_PE, allocate_status(7))
    call Initialize (Columns, NRows, Max_Nonzeros_PE, allocate_status(8))

    ! Read matrix values.
    call Initialize (Values_CSC, NEntries, allocate_status(9))
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      read (A_Unit,Values_Format) Values_CSC
    end if

    ! Convert to ELL structure.

    call Initialize (ELL_Column, NRows, allocate_status(10))
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      ELL_Column = 0
      do column = 1, NColumns
        do entry = Entries_of_Columns(column), Entries_of_Columns(column+1)-1
          row = Rows_of_Entries(entry)
          ELL_Column(row) = ELL_Column(row) + 1
          Values(row,ELL_Column(row)) = Values_CSC(entry)
          Columns(row,ELL_Column(row)) = column
        end do
      end do
      ELL_Column = 1
    end if
    ! Max_Nonzeros matches ELL_Column.
    call Finalize (ELL_Column, allocate_status(11))
    call Finalize (Values_CSC, allocate_status(12))
    call Finalize (Entries_of_Columns, allocate_status(13))
    call Finalize (Rows_of_Entries, allocate_status(14))

    ! Distribute matrix to PEs.

    call Initialize (Values_PE,  Row_Length_Vector(this_PE), Max_Nonzeros, &
    call Initialize (Columns_PE, Row_Length_Vector(this_PE), Max_Nonzeros, &
    do column = 1, Max_Nonzeros
      if (this_is_IO_PE) then
        column_PE = column
        column_PE = 1
      end if
      call Distribute (Values_PE(:,column),  Values(:,column_PE),  &
      call Distribute (Columns_PE(:,column), Columns(:,column_PE), &
    end do
    call Finalize (Values, allocate_status(17))
    call Finalize (Columns, allocate_status(18))

    ! Initialize matrix structure and set.

    call Initialize (ELLM, Max_Nonzeros, Row_Structure, &
                     Column_Structure, Name, allocate_status(19))
    call Set_Values (ELLM, Values_PE, Columns_PE)
    call Finalize (Values_PE, allocate_status(20))
    call Finalize (Columns_PE, allocate_status(21))

    ! Read Right-Hand Sides.
    if (NRHS > 0) then

      if (PRESENT(RHS_MV)) then
        call Initialize (Temporary_BNV, NRows, allocate_status(22))
        call Initialize (Temporary_AV, Row_Structure, 1, &
        call Initialize (Temporary_DV, Row_Structure, 1, &
        call Initialize (RHS_Values_PE, Row_Length_Vector(this_PE), &
        call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'RHS: '//Name, &
        if (this_is_IO_PE) then
          read (A_Unit,RHS_Format) Temporary_BNV
        end if
        Temporary_AV = Temporary_BNV
        Temporary_DV = Temporary_AV
        RHS_Values_PE = Temporary_DV
        RHS_MV = RHS_Values_PE
      end if

      ! Read starting guesses.

      if (RHS_Type(2:2) == 'G' .and. PRESENT(Guess_MV)) then
        call Initialize (Guess_PE, Column_Length_Vector(this_PE), &
        call Initialize (Guess_MV, Column_Structure, 'Guess: '//Name, &
        if (this_is_IO_PE) then
          read (A_Unit,RHS_Format) Temporary_BNV
        end if
        Temporary_AV = Temporary_BNV
        Temporary_DV = Temporary_AV
        Guess_PE = Temporary_DV
        Guess_MV = Guess_PE
      end if
      ! Read solution vectors.
      if (RHS_Type(3:3) == 'X' .and. PRESENT(Solution_MV)) then

        call Initialize (Solution_PE, Column_Length_Vector(this_PE), &
        call Initialize (Solution_MV, Column_Structure, 'Solution: '//Name, &
        if (this_is_IO_PE) then
          read (A_Unit,RHS_Format) Temporary_BNV
        end if
        Temporary_AV = Temporary_BNV
        Temporary_DV = Temporary_AV
        Solution_PE = Temporary_DV
        Solution_MV = Solution_PE
      end if

      ! Clean up.

      call Finalize (Temporary_BNV, allocate_status(31))
      call Finalize (Temporary_AV, allocate_status(32))
      call Finalize (Temporary_DV, allocate_status(33))
    end if

    ! Process status variables.

    consolidated_status = allocate_status
    if (PRESENT(status)) then
      WARN_IF(Error(consolidated_status), 5)
      status = consolidated_status
      VERIFY(Normal(consolidated_status), 5)
    end if
    call Finalize (consolidated_status)
    call Finalize (allocate_status)

    ! Verify guarantees.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(ELLM),5)     ! ELL_Matrix is now valid.

  end subroutine Read_Harwell_Boeing_ELL_Matrix

Michael L. Hall