G.2.8 Get_Values_ELL_Matrix Procedure

The main documentation of the Get_Values_ELL_Matrix Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Get_Values_ELL_Matrix (Values, ELLM)

    ! Input variable.
    type(ELL_Matrix_type), intent(in) :: ELLM     ! Matrix to be queried.
    ! Input/Output variable.
    type(real,2,np), intent(inout) :: Values      ! Values bare naked array.

    ! Verify requirements.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(ELLM),5)                        ! ELLM is valid.
    VERIFY(Valid_State_NP(Values),5)                   ! Values is valid.
    ! Values size checks.
    VERIFY(SIZE(Values,1) == Length_PE(ELLM%Row_Structure),5)  
    VERIFY(SIZE(Values,2) == ELLM%Max_Nonzeros,5)  

    ! Get the values.
    Values = ELLM%Values
    ! Verify guarantees.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(ELLM),5)                          ! ELLM is still valid.

  end subroutine Get_Values_ELL_Matrix

Michael L. Hall