B.2.3 Valid_State_Real Procedure

The main documentation of the Valid_State_Real Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  ! Turn off checking which involves division by zero for some compilers 
  ! that allow error trapping.
  ! For Suns, you could either 
  !   - not set DIVISION_BY_ZERO and use no compiler flags, or
  !   - set DIVISION_BY_ZERO and use -ftrap=%none.
  ! For Intel/NAGWare, you could either
  !   - not set DIVISION_BY_ZERO and use no compiler flags, or
  !   - set DIVISION_BY_ZERO and use -ieee=full.
    ARCHITECTURE, Intel, [
        COMPILER, NAGWare,
    ifelse(POINTER_TOGGLE, [TRUE], [
      pushdef([TYPE], [real,$1])
      pushdef([Valid_State_Real_P_DIM], expand(Valid_State_Real_P_$1))
      pushdef([POINTER_ONLY], [])
      pushdef([TYPE], [real,$1,np])
      pushdef([Valid_State_Real_P_DIM], expand(Valid_State_Real_NP_$1))
      pushdef([POINTER_ONLY], [!])
    function Valid_State_Real_P_DIM (R) result(Valid)
      ! Use association information.
      SCALAR_ONLY use Caesar_Flags_Module, only: finalize_real_flag 
      SCALAR_ONLY use Caesar_Logical_Class, only: ALL
      ! Input variable.
      type(TYPE) :: R               ! Variable to be checked.
      ! Output variable.            
      type(logical) :: Valid        ! Logical state.
      ! Internal variables.         
      type(real) :: one, ten, zero  ! Numbers are not parameterized 
                                    ! to fool smart compilers.
      ! Set numbers carefully (so that the compiler 
      ! doesn't know that zero=0).
      ten = 1.d1
      one = 1.d0
      zero = one - one

      ! Start out true.
      Valid = .true.
      ! First, make sure that the variable has been allocated.
      POINTER_ONLY ARRAY_ONLY if (.not.Valid) return
      ! Make sure the variable has not been finalized.
      SCALAR_ONLY Valid = Valid .and. R /= finalize_real_flag
      ! Check for Infs. This check determines whether R(1-e) = R, where e 
      ! is a small number. This should only be true if R = 0 or if R is 
      ! not a valid number.
      ! Pass Table: 
      !             Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !             Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !   Infinity  Fail   Fail    Fail     Fail   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail
      !  -Infinity  Fail   Fail    Fail     Fail   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail
      !   NaN       Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      Valid = Valid .and. ALL(R == zero .or. R*(one - ten*EPSILON(one)) /= R)
      TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 1, R(1-e) = R     ==>', &
        IF_UNIT_TEST ALL(R == zero .or. R*(one - ten*EPSILON(one)) /= R)
      ! For IEEE-conforming reals, the following is (supposedly) a check 
      ! for NaNs.
      ! Pass Table (test 2): 
      !             Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !             Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !   Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      !  -Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      !   NaN       Pass   Fail    Fail     Pass   Fail    Fail  Pass  Fail
      ! NaN behavior details:
      ! Intel/Lahey (pre-L6.20c), Intel/Absoft, Intel/NAGWare 
      ! (with -ieee=full), Apple/Absoft and Sun (with -ftrap=%none):
      !   Fail on tests 2 and 2a, but pass on 2b, for scalars.
      !   Fail on test 2, but pass on 2a and 2b, for arrays.
      ! Intel/Lahey:
      !   With the L6.20c compiler, the behavior is:
      !   Fail on test2a, but pass on 2 and 2b, for scalars.
      !   Passes on tests 2, 2a and 2b, for arrays. 
      !   In other words, since test 2 passes for both scalars and arrays, 
      !   this is not a good test for the Lahey compiler.
      ! Sun:
      !   Changed behavior after the 107356-02 patch; the new behavior 
      !   is reflected here. So, with the Sun 5.0 compiler with 107377-02
      !   and 107356-02 patches, and the -ftrap=%none flag set to disable 
      !   exception trapping, this now works as a check for NaNs.
      ! IBM:
      !   Fails on tests 2 and 2a, but passes on 2b. (Recheck behavior with 
      !   arrays to see if it is the same as some other compilers above if 
      !   IBM access is regained.)
      Valid = Valid .and. ALL(R == R)
      TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 2, R == R         ==>', ALL(R == R)
      TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 2a, .not.(R /= R) ==>', .not. ALL((R /= R))
      TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 2b, .not.(R < R)  ==>', .not. ALL((R < R))
      ! Create an infinity and check to verify inequality.
      ! Pass Table: 
      !             Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !             Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !   Infinity  Fail   Fail    Fail     Fail   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail
      !  -Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      !   NaN       Pass   Pass    Pass     Fail   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
        Valid = Valid .and. ALL(one/zero /= R)
        TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 3, Infinity /= R  ==>', ALL(one/zero /= R)
      ! Create a negative infinity and check to verify inequality.
      ! Pass Table:
      !            Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !            Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !  Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      ! -Infinity  Fail   Fail    Fail     Fail   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail
      !  NaN       Pass   Pass    Pass     Fail   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
        Valid = Valid .and. ALL(-one/zero /= R)
        TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 4, -Infinity /= R ==>', ALL(-one/zero /= R)
      ! Create a NaN and check to verify inequality.
      ! Pass Table: 
      !            Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !            Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !  Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Fail   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      ! -Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Fail   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      !  NaN       Pass   Pass    Pass     Fail   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      ! This test does not work for any compiler yet. It seems to work for 
      ! Intel/PGI from the above table, but the test also fails for all valid
      ! real numbers, so it can't be used.
          COMPILER, PGI,
            [], [
          Valid = Valid .and. ALL(zero/zero /= R)
          TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 5, NaN /= R       ==>', ALL(zero/zero /= R)

      ! Check the top of the range.
      ! Pass Table:
      !             Intel  Intel   Intel    Intel  Apple   Sun   SGI   IBM
      !             Lahey  Absoft  NAGWare  PGI    Absoft        
      !   Infinity  Fail   Fail    Fail     Fail   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail
      !  -Infinity  Pass   Pass    Pass     Pass   Pass    Pass  Pass  Pass
      !   NaN       Fail   Fail    Fail     Pass   Fail    Fail  Fail  Fail

      Valid = Valid .and. ALL(R <= HUGE(R)) 
      TESTWRITE (6,100) 'Test 6, R <= HUGE(R)   ==>', ALL(R <= HUGE(R))

      ! Note that there is no explicit check for the bottom of the
      ! range, since there is no F90 intrinsic that returns the lowest
      ! negative number that a real can take.
      ! Format statement.
      IF_UNIT_TEST 100 format (2x, a, 1x, l1)  
    end function Valid_State_Real_P_DIM


  define([POINTER_TOGGLE], [TRUE])


Michael L. Hall